Issue 90

With the NHS under strain, could a more effective waste management strategy provide some relief?

Pandora's bottle: Would a bottle DRS be a game-changer or merely cause more problems?

We've been talking about the possibility of introducing bottle deposit return schemes in the UK for years now, but with Scotland forging ahead, it seems that England might well follow. Cecil Goodbody talks to deposit advocates and opponents.

Boston's refuse vehicle CCTV cameras reveal more than bargained for

Fitting cameras to refuse vehicles to combat fraudulent claims against the council has been mooted as a solution to such incidents, but could they also have other uses? Kate Dickinson learns more.

One size fits all: The clothing that grows with children

The environment is not usually high on a list of priorities for a fashion designer, but Ryan Mario Yasin is hoping to change all that with a range of clothes that grow as children do. Rob Cole takes to the catwalk to talk sustainable fashion models.

Carbon Index 2017: Powys powers ahead with carbon reduction

Simon Hann and Peter Jones from Eunomia present the fifth Local Authority Recycling Carbon Index, showing who's winning the fight to reduce carbon emissions.

Kicking it to the kerb: An interview with Lesley Griffiths

Charles Newman spoke to Wales's outgoing Environment Minister Lesley Griffiths about the country's continuing success in kerbside recycling.

Battery recycling plant bringing heavy metal back

Ecosurety's Operations Director Paul Timmins discusses why the company and Belmont Trading Ltd have decided its time to bring battery recycling to the UK. 

A call to the Earth: Residents in Lebanon leading recycling efforts

The determination of one group of women has seen a Lebanese village's multi-stream recycling collection expand in the absence of adequate state assistance.