UNTHA XR technology spurs ETM’s shredding ambitions

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ETM has announced the integration of a new UNTHA XR3000 mobil-e shredder into its Bristol-based waste transfer station, designed to break down refuse in preparation for use within energy from waste (EfW) facilities.

The acquisition of the machinery is the latest development within the site, which currently has the capacity to manage 150,000 tonnes of waste annually. Usage of the shredder will see material collected from ETM’s own skip fleet, as well as from other contractors across the west of England, turned from 400mm RDF burner fuel into 30mm SRF for gasification projects which require feedstock with precise specifications.

ETM UNTHA XRAnother application of the XR infrastructure is in the tackling of bulky waste, without any reliance of third-party specialists. This has prompted ETM to kickstart a mattress recycling service, which, at present, is handling 1,000 discarded units per week, though the waste management company states that there is scope for expansion. Within the scheme, the new shredder is used to break down the mattresses into their constituent parts, with the metal being put up for resale and the flock being used as ‘alternative fuel.’

The site is implementing UNTHA’s technology to process 160 tonnes of waste per day, though ETM claims that this is ‘merely scratching the surface of what is possible with the XR.’ The shredder is being maintained by engineers from within the waste management company, with the option for remote diagnostics if servicing or machine optimisation queries crop up.

ETM’s commercial director, Amy McCormack, commented: “In-house mattress recycling was the main driver for this project. We looked at 10 different shredders, and our due diligence regime was thorough. But none came close to the XR. In fact, we got it here on a demo, and it never went back!

“But now this flexible machine is up and running permanently, we’re constantly thinking – what’s next? Waste is piling up in the Southwest and the wood market is especially flooded. We hope other stakeholders in the supply chain will join us and continually invest to tackle this challenge and open up outlets locally. We have the capacity to help drive zero waste to landfill in Bristol, and the cost and environmental benefits of keeping materials in the area are vast.

“This is a tidy piece of kit which has slotted neatly into our plant. It runs all day, efficiently and quietly – in fact, it’s so quiet, we don’t even know it’s on!’

To read more about the UNTHA XR3000 mobil-e shredder, visit UNTHA's website.