
New CIWM President calls for End of Waste reform

On 30 June, Dr Anna Willetts was inaugurated into the role of CIWM President, launching Presidential Report that focuses on how to ‘streamline and give confidence’ in the End of Waste (EoW) Process.

Dr Anna WillettsTitled ‘Improving the way we regulate circular resources in the UK’, the report finds that and ‘easily regulated’ EoW system is ‘vital to establishing a circular economy, protecting the environment and human health’.

Willets’ Presidential Report reviews both the understanding and application of EoW criteria across the UK, as well as offering various improvements that could be made to assist the transition to a circular economy.

The eight key recommendations featured in the report are:

  1. Increase collaboration between national regulators
  2. Leverage existing environment and market controls to demonstrate EoW
  3. Improve intelligence through digital tracking
  4. Improve understanding of EoW
  5. Proactive support to clarify the EoW position for products produced by new technologies
  6. Improve confidence in self-certification
  7. Small changes to the EoW application service to improve customer satisfaction
  8. Alternative approaches to assessing risk to the environment and human health

Willets has been a member of CIWM for over 20 years, first joining as a student. Celebrating her inauguration, CIWM says she “brings a wealth of experience to the presidency, both from her current role as a Partner practicing environmental law at gunnercooke LLP and her previous career as an environmental consultant.

Anna Willetts will be taking over the role of President from Dr Adam Read, who will be moving into the role of Immediate Past President. Anna's appointment sees women in CIWM's two most senior leadership positions at the same time – a first in the organisation's history.

Dr Anna Willetts, said: “If we are to keep the UK at the forefront of the circular economy, we need a regulatory environment that offers both clarity and consistency in relation to achieving End of Waste status.

“Failing to deliver this will deter investment and hamper the brilliant innovation we see across the resources and waste management sector.

“I hope that, in addition to making several practical recommendations, my report will stimulate discussion and help accelerate our journey to a world beyond waste.”

Welcoming Willetts to the presidency, CIWM CEO, Sarah Poulter, added: “I know I speak for the whole team when I say how much we are looking forward to working with Anna over the coming year.

“We have reached a critical point in the battle against climate change and resource scarcity and Anna’s Presidential Report highlights the vital importance of a cross-sector and joined-up approach.

“CIWM is committed to leading this challenge and supporting those dedicated to bringing about change on a meaningful scale.

“I’d also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Dr Adam Read for his exceptional enthusiasm and commitment during his time as President. I look forward to continuing to work with him as he assumes the role of Immediate Past President.”