
Hot 100 2020 – 40-11

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Simon Ellin
Simon Ellin (NEW)
CEO, Recycling Association
"Continuously banging the drum for quality in recycling"
Ellin has been CEO of the Recycling Assocition since 2009, where he has made the case for the improving the quality of UK waste exports.


Sam Reeve
Sam Reeve (17)
CEO, Resource Futures
"Thoughtful, smart and principled, putting purpose before profit"
Reeve was a founding director of Resource Futures and is now CEO, helping clients to implement sustainable business models.


Ian Williams
Ian Williams (NEW)
Professor of Applied Environmental Science, University of Southampton
"Supported environmental groups with good science and endless patience"
Williams is a professor at the University of Southampton, focusing on waste- and carbon-related issues. He has won the ISWA Publication Award in 2016 and 2017 and has won the CIWM James Jackson award on three occasions.


Dame Ellen MacArthur
Dame Ellen MacArthur (22)
Founder, Ellen McArthur Foundation
"Brings awareness of circularity to the world"
MacArthur is the founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and encourages thinking and progress on the transition to a circular economy.


Allan Sandilands
Allan Sandilands (26)
Principal Consultant, Resource Futures
"Has his finger on the pulse of innovative ideas"
Sandilands joined Resource Futures in 2016 as Principal Consultant and specialises in circular economy and resource efficiency business engagement within the construction, public and third sectors.


Bruce Bratley
Bruce Bratley (NEW)
CEO, First Mile
"A great CEO with innovative recycling ideas"
Bratley founded First Mile in 2004 after working as a consultant and commercial director in the waste industry.


Trewin Restorick
Trewin Restorick (33)
Founder and CEO, Hubbub
"On the cutting edge of sustainability communications"
As Hubbub CEO, Restorick has overseen a range of trial behaviour change campaigns, tackling issues like litter, food waste and coffee cup recycling.


Zoe Lenkiewicz
Zoe Lenkiewicz (58)
Head of Programmes and Engagement, WasteAid
"Amazing advocate for the  fight to reduce waste in developing countries"
enkiewicz is the driving force building WasteAid’s international community. She advises and advocates for better waste management globally, leads fundraising and awareness raising events, attracts sponsorship and delivers powerful WasteAid projects. Lenkiewicz was chief author of the award-winning WasteAid toolkit, and shares recycling skills in Africa and Asia to create jobs, protect public health and prevent plastic pollution.


Wayne Hubbard
Wayne Hubbard (67)
CEO, lwarb
"Making London an exemplary model for other cities"
Hubbard has been CEO of the London Waste &and Recycling Board (LWARB) since August 2011, and oversees the day-to-day running of the organisation. With over 20 years' experience in the waste industry, he also sits on the London Green Fund Investment Board as Vice-Chair.


Rob Holdway
Rob Holdway (27)
Director, Giraffe Innovation Limited
"A leading authority on eco design"
Holdway is founder and Director of Giraffe Innovation specialising in eco-design, life cycle analysis and the circular economy. Holdway was Project Director of the WEEE Man - a sculpture made from the amount of electronic waste we each discard in one lifetime, and presented a Channel 4 programme DUMPED where people lived on a landfill for three weeks. 


Christine McRitchie
Christine McRitchie (NEW)
Director, Earthwise Girls
"Inspirational commitment to reusable menstrual products"
McRitchie set up Earthwise Girls in 2009 selling reusable menstrual products to reduce plastic use.


Hannah Blythyn
Hannah Blythyn (28)
Hannah Blythyn (96)
Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Welsh Government
"Working to make Wales the number one recycling nation"
Appointed as Environment Minister in November 2017 and maintaining the resources and waste brief as Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Blythyn has got to work continuing the good work of the Welsh Government on waste and resources.



James Piper
James Piper (65)
Managing Director, Ecosurety
"Full of great ideas to challenge the structures of today"
Piper leads Ecosurety, a compliance scheme and resource efficiency specialist that has continually strived to introduce transparency and accountability to producer responsibility. He has led and developed significant projects to utilise PRN funding in innovative ways.



Trevor Nicoll
Trevor Nicoll (81)
President of CIWM, Head of Shared Waste Service at Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils
"Will be an excellent CIWM President!"
Nicoll continues to drive the strategic direction of waste and resource management in his work in Cambridgeshire. In addition, he has been Senior Vice President and Trustee of CIWM, becoming President in Autumn 2019, to continue leading changes within the Institution and the wider waste management sector.


Eric Randall
Eric Randall (73)
Director of Recycling, Bryson Recycling
"Passionate about recycling and social entrepreneurship"
Randall has led Bryson Recycling for the last 25 years, in which time it has grown from a Cash for Cans scheme to being the largest social enterprise recycler in the UK, delivering recycling services across Northern Ireland, Donegal and Wales. Bryson now collects recycling from over 60 per cent of homes in Northern Ireland.


Libby Peake (25)
Senior Policy Advisor (Resources), Green Alliance
"Holds the government to account on waste and resources policy"
Peake works to ensure that the government is giving due consideration to key risks regarding policy on waste and resources, particularly in the build up to Brexit.



Anna Scott
Anna Scott (41)
Waste Insights Manager, Keep Britain Tidy
"Great strategic thinker and team player"
Scott manages Keep Britain Tidy's Waste Services Team, delivering community engagement projects designed to decrease waste and increase recycling.



Eifion Williams
Eifion Williams (70)
CEO, Circular Economy Wales
"Sincerely dedicated to creating a resource efficient future for Wales"
Williams is Founder and CEO of Circular Economy Wales CIC and has also been at the forefront of rolling out the new Green Shed network in Wales and is Co-designer of the Zero Waste Schools Wales pilot. He is leading the design and rollout of a new mutual credit system for Wales.


Mike Webster
Mike Webster (4)
Former CEO, WasteAid
"Dedicated to addressing the global waste management imbalance"
Webster led the establishment of WasteAid, which in its first year trained 363 recycling entrepreneurs and positively impacted the lives of 124,000 people in developing countries.


Ella Daish
Ella Daish (NEW)
Campaigner & Founder, #EndPeriodPlastic
"Relentlessly campaigning for plastic free period products"
Daish has been campaigning to eliminate plastic from all menstrual products since 2018. She was named in the BBC's 100 Women list 2019 and the Independent's 2019 Happy list.



Steve Eminton
Steve Eminton (21)
"Always on the ball"
Eminton has been the Editor of since 2000 and specialises in topics such as water, housing and recycling.



Adam Read
Adam Read (42)
External Affairs Director, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK
"An inspirational and thought-provoking waste management champion"
Read is a recognised authority on waste management strategy, with a global reputation as an innovator in municipal strategies and recycling. As a member of the Suez UK recycling & recovery senior management team, he is responsible for responding to government consultations, leading on a range of business related PR and marketing activities, and enhancing the brand of the business through media engagement. He sits on a number of key industry working groups through the ESA and CIWM, and is currently an RWM Ambassador.



Nigel Harvey
Nigel Harvey (90)
Chief Executive, Recolight
"Willing to take a stand for the environment"
Harvey has been the CEO of Recolight since 2009 and has over 25 years' experience in the product compliance industry.



Richard Kirkman
Richard Kirkman (NEW)
Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Veolia UK & Ireland
"Leading the charge towards a more circular economy"
Kirkman has been with Veolia for eight years, becoming Chief Technology and Innovation Officer in 2017, overseeing infrastructure projects and start-ups.



Stuart Hayward-Higham
Stuart Hayward-Higham (8)
Technical Development Director, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK
"Committed to tackling difficult topics and waste streams"
Hayward-Higham has extensive knowledge of emerging technologies and has overseen SUEZ's move to self-sufficiency in electricity.



Carole Taylor
Carole Taylor (35)
Chair, LARAC
"An excellent advocate for recycling in Pendle and at LARAC"
Taylor has been Chair of LARAC since 2018, and has worked in various roles at Pendle Borough Council, currently as Waste and Recycling Co-ordinator.



Iain Gulland
Iain Gulland (15)
Chief Executive, Zero Waste Scotland
"A clear long term vision for delivering Scotland's circular economy"
In recent years, Gulland has helped deliver Scotland's zero waste and circular economy plans, ensuring that resources are valued and not wasted.



Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg (NEW)
"Raised the profile of climate change awareness for the generation of tomorrow"
Founder of the School Strike for Climate movement, Thunberg has brought the issue of the climate emergency to a new generation over the past two years, speaking at the UN, the World Economic Forum and the European Parliament


Tom Passmore and Sophie Walker
Tom Passmore and Sophie Walker (5)
Co-founders, Dsposal
"Bringing innovation to the waste and resources sector"
Walker and Passmore founded Dsposal in 2016, to revolutionise the waste industry by using technology to connect waste producers to licensed waste facilities and to simplify compliance.



Lindsay Boswell
Lindsay Boswell (12)
CEO, FareShare
"Making huge progress in the fight against food poverty and food waste"
Boswell leads FareShare, which saves good food and gives it to charities, providing 36.7 million meals in 2016/17.

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