Hot 100 2015: Waste Wizards
It takes sorcery of a special sort to turn waste into resources, so this year we're celebrating the industry's top 100 'waste wizards', those charming professionals that the voting public can't help but find magical

Celebrity chef and sustainability campaigner Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall shot to the top of the list this year thanks to his (so far) two-part BBC One show Hugh's War on Waste, which saw him set off ‘on a mission to change the way we think about waste, by challenging the supermarkets and fast food industry to drastically reduce the amount of waste they generate’. He took some time out from his busy schedule to answer Resource's questions
Name: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Age: 50
Occupation: Chef, Journalist, Food Campaigner and Broadcaster
Location: Devon
Education: Oxford University
Route to interest in waste: Having spent the last two decades campaigning on ethically-produced food and environmental issues, turning my hand to tackling the issue of waste, and in particular food waste, seemed like the obvious choice.
Future plans for #wastenot campaign/Hugh’s War on Waste: There will be a third episode of Hugh’s War on Waste, which will air later in 2016. The programme will look at the impact of the first two episodes on waste in the food industry whilst also exploring other issues in different waste streams.
Vision for the resources industry: As the earth’s resources are becoming increasingly finite, the issue of waste must become a global priority. We must put an end to our throwaway culture, with business and consumers alike playing their parts.
Top waste prevention tip for supermarkets: Take responsibility for farmers’ and suppliers’ entire crop/produce.
Top waste tip for individuals: Think about how much money you’re throwing away!